
Glenmarie, Shah alam


Makan kari kepala ikan E&O Taman Wahyu


Kunci tertinggal - lepak kedai mamak.

Tidor hotel kita malam (pagi) ni.

Cadangan demonstrasi di parlimen

Stok arak di Tanjung Malim berkurangan. Dipercayai telah dibeli secara besar-besaran oleh pengikut Pakatan Rakyat untuk dijadikan bekalan demonstrasi.

Cabbage Soup Detox Diet

Is It a Cabbage-Soup Cleanse A Good Idea The Cabbage Soup Recipe . 2 onions diced Spray olive oil One head of green cabbage shredded 16 ounce can diced tomatoes 2 green peppers diced 4 stalks of celery chopped 2 cups broth (vegetable, chicken or beef) 2 cups vegetable juice 5 carrots chopped ½ pound green beans fresh herbs like thyme, basil, rosemary to taste balsamic vinegar to taste salt and pepper to taste In a stock pot spray with a little olive oil. Heat stock pot and then sautee onions until almost clear. Add cabbage, canned tomatoes green peppers, celery, broth, vegetable juice and green beans. Heat to a boil. Add vinegar, herbs, salt and pepper to taste. The Plan . The soup above can be eaten as much as you want on all of the days of the Cabbage Soup Detox Plan. No bread, carbonated beverages, or alcohol. Drink plenty of water. Here is what else you can eat each of the seven days on the diet: Day one: Unlimited fruit except no bananas. Day two: Unlimited fruit except no bananas

Makan nasi lauk kambing - lepas tu kena gout


Hujan - kedai tak de pelanggan
