Anwar Ibrahim memang seorang pembohong, sanggup membohongi pengikut KELDAIAN yang buta hati.

Bayangkan seandainya Tun tiada lagi, aku rasa lebih banyak pembohonganakan dilakukan oleh Anwar Ibrahim.

Sudah lah Anwar, tinggal berapa kerat lagi pengikut kaki jubur yang masih mahu mendengar pembohongan.

Jangan terkejut satu hari nanti Anwar pula akan dibohongi oleh pengikut beliau.


1. I was interviewed by the BBC on the current financial turmoil and over management of the currency crisis in 1997 - 98.

2. I was amused when he attributed the pegging and the elimination of CLOB (Central Limit Order Book) to Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim. I asked him whether he was given this information by Anwar. He did not answer.

3. Of course I did not do everything by myself. I had a lot of help from others. But Anwar was not one of them. He, many will remember, was the Minister of Finance who implemented the IMF strategy without the IMF with disastrous results.

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